jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015


1. Leer detenidamente los textos y contestar a las preguntas:

a) ¿Si fueses artículos qué titular le pondrías al texto?
b) ¿De qué tratan? Haced un resumen con vuestras palabras de 3 líneas aprox.
c) ¿Qué intentan ejemplificar los autores?

A) Imagine starting out on a journey by foot, from the Atlantic coast of Portugal to the southern tip of Italy. Imagine the route taken went westwards to Madrid in central Spain, and then on to Barcelona on the Mediterranean coast. Continuing northwards to Paris then south eastwards through Geneva in Switzerland and then down through central Italy.

During this journey you would notice that when you travelled from your starting point to the next village some twenty or thirty kilometres inland, there would be some linguistic differences which distinguished this village from your starting point. The same would be noticed along the entire route from one village to the next. Some times the differences would be greater some times less, but they would be cumulative. The further away from your starting point the greater the differences would become,

The speakers from the first village would have no difficulty communicating with the speakers from the next village or even the tenth village. As the distance increased communication would become increasingly more difficult and eventually impossible. At both ends of the journey the "languages" spoken are mutually unintelligibility exists. In this example the journey passed through countries speaking Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, French and Italian. Where did one language end and the other begin?

B) Until 1650 part of what is now southern Sweden was part of Denmark. The dialects spoken here were then considered to be dialects of Danish. As a result of war and conquest this area became part of Sweden. Forty or fifty years later these dialects were considered dialects of Swedish although no linguistic change had taken place. These dialects had become heteronomous with respect to standard Swedish rather than Danish.

Until the beggining of the 19th  century the official language used in Norway was Danish. It was only with the re-emergence of Norway as an independent nation that a distinct, autonomous standard Norwegian was developed.

-Lo que habla la gente/lengua

Es difícil establecer límites entre lenguas (idea principal). Geografía: lengua = territorio. Ej: Catalán/Valenciano/Balear.
Hemos designado diferentes títulos: Diferencias dentro de una familia, dificultades de comunicación en la distancia, las fronteras lingüísticas o la ruta del cambio lingüístico.

¿Hay una lengua o 3? Argumentos:
-Textos escritos.
-Criterios políticos, económicos y sociales.

La diferencia no tiene sentido desde el punto de vista lingüístico, por tanto el sistema lingüístico intenta evitar los factores políticos, sociales, económicos... que perjudican a la lengua.

2. ¿Cómo decide una comunidad cuál es el dialecto estándar?
El que mayor peso ha logrado y el que la mayoría de los hablantes tienen, es decir, según su importancia a nivel internacional.

Trabajo realizado por: Alexis Yanes Fernández

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